[VIDEO] How to access your non-transferable ERC-20 AE token on aeternity Mainnet (LIMA)

I have attempted to import my ERC-20 tokens into my new AE wallet.
However, I am still seeing a zero balance and getting the following message if I try the transfer again:
The balance has already been migrated in th_2P1AA3rQugRsXP7VDsVRAzohyyj7G9isPyqTrxszjahPBSLpyF

TX: th_2P1AA3rQugRsXP7VDsVRAzohyyj7G9isPyqTrxszjahPBSLpyF
ADDRESS: ak_2tifgeerEvzTopegyKBp8PdscHWVaP5gED5uh8T4YRQX93PrT5

Any help would be appreciated.
Best regards.

Not sure what you need help with? The tokens are migrated in the transaction you listed, to the account you listed!?

ak_2tifgeerEvzTopegyKBp8PdscHWVaP5gED5uh8T4YRQX93PrT5 has a balance of 3553.2 AE tokens, and there are no transactions involving this account.

Thank you for your help.
There was a delay in the balance showing up in the AE browser wallet.
Looks good now.
Best regards.

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Help me.
Hi I got this message
Something went wrong

Migration did not take place. This does not affect your
tokens, you are safe to try again.”

Myeither 0xa68ac1cda6f191b5c58821b368ce6cd088629ceb

Binence ak_2JbaFZpoaNtWZEvZ7Lt7z9C3SqjuG1QjjV5VjrcKQk19UbCNW6

need assistance here, during migration token balance doesn’t appear on the last, though properly visible in metamask in chrome:
ETH: 0xf98ba4e9c697b61539ee00f982cdfb9f241f4238

That message means (surprise, surprise) that something went wrong during the migration. The most common mistake is that the wrong message is signed on the Ethereum side, you should sign exactly (and only) the aeternity address to which you’d like to migrate your tokens.

You can always check the status of your tokens at the migration status check note that the last part of the URL is your Ethereum address.

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Not entirely obvious what “on the last” is (I am unfortunately not psychic) - you can always check the status of your migration here (Note: the last part of the URL is your Ethereum address).

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Thanks for adjusting the last part of the URL :+1:

How I can mistake here? Web app allows me only to put two addresses: AE address (no brainer) and Ethereum address where the tokens are stored. For Eth I use adress with the tokens (confirmed by etherscan) and sign it with Metamask (I see tokens in Metamask) but then tokens amount doesnt show up in migration app.
Can it be because Ledger Live?

True, with MetaMask there isn’t much that can go wrong. Comparing to the video (the top post in this thread), where does your process deviate?

In step 6, under " Your Ethereum Account" it should say 0xf98ba4e9c697b61539ee00f982cdfb9f241f4238 since that is where you kept your AE ERC-20 tokens. In the next step when you are asked to sign a message - don’t change this message in any way and you should be good to go.

Well, process doesn’t deviate, it just stops at the step 6 during fetching token amount from the Eth Acount. So amount of tokens does not appear and button remains inactive.

If I do the same with my own MetaMask details I get an amount of AE Tokens (I’ve deliberately left a small amount there to be able to test the process) - so indeed something looks wrong. Do you get any error messages or any other indication that something is amiss? Unfortunately I don’t know much about the actual migration pages (I know how the technical solution works) maybe @martingrigorov.chain could help here?

Just to double-check, in step 5 if you instead select MeW and manually enter 0xf98ba4e9c697b61539ee00f982cdfb9f241f4238 do you then get an amount in step 6 (though you can of course not sign…)? I’ve tried this locally and I do get an amount that appears correct for your account.

Even with MEW chrome (Version 83.0.4103.61) didn’t show token amount. But, everything went well in Opera!
Hans thanks a lot for guidance!


Great! I was using Firefox when I experimented so I guess that is another option then, good to know!

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I am just assisting @WLJ for his migration.

@hanssv.chain @Jake does this mean that migration using MEW on Chrome currently doesn’t work?

It just means your mileage may vary. I didn’t try Chrome. It doesn’t hurt to try.

so what I can say now after guiding @WLJ:

  • the migration was successful and we used MyEtherWallet “manual steps” to sign the message
  • BUT the migration page told us “Error: Something went wrong” so it indicated that the migration wasn’t successful


I thought I had swapped my tokens.
I installed airgap wallet on my iPhone
I sent the tokens from MEW to my Airgap wallet.
When I login into my airgap wallet and press sync, it says “Oops looks like you don’t have AirGap wallet installed on this device”
My toeksn are still showing on MEW.

Could you please assist?


I tried to migrate my old aeternity ARC-20 tokens to my ae address via https://migrate.aeternity.com/

However, I received an error message that something went wrong but my tokens remain unaffected. But when I try to start the migration process again, It shows like it has already been migrated.
“You already have migrated your tokens. More information with the following TX Hash: th_TEcCQeknyC5N9zzAdoka9Q4CLfz3xUYKQ8tFrNwt6ab34GCtJ”

Attempted to migrate from this ETH address:

Attempted to migrate to this AE address:

It seems like the migration has completed successfully, but the transaction hasn’t made because of the zero-balance of my AE address.

Could you please investigate this issue?

Thank you,


It looks like the migration was successful, the account ak_KQD1vgQC2Znd5Aon6azmzdjdC7WEEsNHa9ZSd3BHXme3Z1zah all of a sudden had 2000AE that could be transferred out! (The migration transaction itself isn’t visible since it took place in a contract call, and these aren’t tracked yet…)

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@hanssv.chain Thank you for the reply.
Does it mean it takes some time to be transferred ?
According to the MEW’s balance, 0xcBA9001644A960a808CeEA83D3EFF56237134Fe0 still shows 2000 AE.