Week #20 - SDKs and Middleware updates

Here we go with the biweekly updates from the SDKs.
First of all we will be posting the updates from all the official SDKs, that
is: Js, Py, Go and Elixir.

Starting from Elixir the progress since week 18 is the following:

The upcoming topics will be to prepare for a first release and get the base functionality expected from an aeternity SDK right for developers to use with ease.

For Js the most important update is related to the ACI interface, where arguments validation and transformation for sophia types has been added. Beside we have added support for the keystore in browser.

Beside that we have:

  • clean up dependencies
  • add bundle analyzer
  • refactor example aepp/wallet to work in both way(iframe and reverse iframe)
  • Add transfer command to CLI

For the Python SDK we have been progressing on the State Channels implementation and the Go SDK now includes the transactions for contracts.

For the next sprint the focus will be on documentation and support for the upcoming Fortuna release (v3.0.0) of the node and the planned hard fork.

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Middleware update–

  • Contract return values are now saved
  • Various changes to make the middleware easier to run (stored PID in a file, logging improvements…)
  • The new machine which will host a faster, more stable middleware is now complete

This week

  • More improvements
  • Release coming today (20th)
  • work on blockchain explorer to showcase some of the new functions