Aeternity Graffiti Aepp Public Testing

Do you have a concrete proposal on how to change this?

It was 62 mins to paint with drones due to complexity, we didn’t change this, just remove the drone name. If you have a proposal how to change this we are open to adjust :slight_smile:

Simply -> “How much AE tokens would you like to bid?” And you can remove the “62 minutes and ~0.065 AE per minute” below the amount.

@vlad.chain this would make it very unclear what artworks succeed in auction and which ones won’t, as the auction is limited by time (or space/complexity) of the image, bigger artworks should be more expensive.

Maybe I don’t completely understand the bidding process. I thought the user simply needs to propose a certain amount of AE that he is willing to pay in order to get his artwork in. Could there be a “suggested” amount to be paid?

If there is a “limitation”, it should be mentioned - but I guess it is not “time”. What is it exactly?

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The artwork canvas is limited in space (or painting time in drone context) so we measure the auction in AE per space/time

It is an arbitrary limitation for an auction to make sense.

How are these 62 minutes calculated in the example above? Is there a way to calculate them better, having in mind that drones will not be used?

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When coverting the picture to the stylistic svg version these numbers are calculated. If you have some better calculation in mind, let us know :slight_smile:

Since I don’t understand the calculation, I would suggest to keep it as it is for now :slight_smile:

Same for me, I don’t understand the calculation, but it fullfills its need.

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How about just removing the time (62min) and only ask for a bid like

“Bid how much you are willing to pay, if someone bids higher than you, your image might not be placed on the canvas”

I also think this bidding and time just confuses and produces questions.

Another thing that I would love to have solved is this page reloading on drag down.

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@emin.chain but it doesn’t make sense as auction mechanic if a small pixel is the same price as painting the whole canvas black.

That makes sense to me. How about “place a bid you are willing to pay per pixel” or similar. My idea was to just write one sentence as the user will just guess. He/she will just know that bidding more will make it more likely to get painted. Isn’t that enough?

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Yes I agree, is pixel a specific propoal?

I like pixel. I think people know what a pixel is.

The problem with pixel ist, that it is not really pixels due to the svg conversion

Hola Buen Día, voy a compartir este fallo que me presentó la aplicación, con la versión 0.8.7 y me comenta alguien de soporte en twitter que actualice a la nueva versión, pero aun en play store todavía no generan la nueva versión…
Como se puede probar la aplicación :question:

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Hasta el día de hoy 12 de Agosto 2019 fue que me llego la actualización de la wallet (Base æpp) por google play, ya actualice a la nueva version 0.8.9 veremos como funciona App Grafitti, y les comento…:+1:

Aparentemente entre…

Pero llega hasta aquí…

Ahora que puedo hacer…:question:

Creo q se cual es el error, ya les comento.