Problem with Token Migration


I bought some AE tokens 3 years ago and ran into a problem when migrating my tokens from ERC-20 to AE today. An “Invalid Date” error happened during the procedure and 0 tokens were migrated. However, when I am trying to run the procedure again, it says that “the balance has already been migrated”. I downloaded the PDF file to prove this error. Can anyone help?

Thank you in advance!

I think due to the contract being used back in the ICO, the tokens are locked in the ERC-20 contract. I summon @nikitafuchs.chain to help you.

Hey, did you try this tool ? æternity Token Migration

Yes, it is the tool I used and which generated an “Invalid date” error as output. Can I maybe share the PDF with you so that you can have a look at the problem?

Hi !!
just in case it is useful

Thank you for the link. Once again, I followed this exact procedure but it outputted an error and my tokens were not transferred to the desired AE address. At the moment, I lost access to all my tokens as they never arrived to the desired AE address and I cannot repeat the procedure!

If I had gotten $1 everytime someone claimed “I lost all my tokens” I’d be a rich man…

If you provide the Ethereum address were you had your tokens we can check the status of your migration.


Your tokens are not lost at any time, don’t worry :slight_smile: The migration process works in a way now that there is some thing like a snapshot of your old balance in the ethereum contract, available on aeternity. If you had any tokens on ethereum, you will get them on aeternity.

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I know that my tokens are probably not lost, but it is not a very good feeling to have lost access temporarily :grimacing:
Here is the output of the token migration tool: æternity Token Migration
Here is the used Ethereum address:
Thank you for your help!

OK, let’s see. The first link says “You have successfully migrated your AE tokens to Mainnet.” - sounds promising, and the tokens were migrated to ak_kPmNNeggffuR9CVQBQ72KgrjJ3zd8SRPCyF6rStgWW4qbaFTy. (The migrated amount of 0.0 AE looks a bit less promising, but let’s stay positive!)

Let’s check the status of 0x725c7ff5d63254482b27c3a1823ac42541af0d58 at the token migration status page - it says that the tokens were indeed migrated, and the amount is roughly 1390 AE. The migration took place in transaction th_223wxMoGbxu55vQiFZvSmEgnGX45XREwphAdK5EAA5MwD3BKKV at height 265686.

Now let’s check the receiving account ak_kPmNNeggffuR9CVQBQ72KgrjJ3zd8SRPCyF6rStgWW4qbaFTy - it doesn’t list the token migration itself (since it happened inside a contract) but there is one transaction listed, that transfer roughly 1390 AE out of the account at height 265704 - so it seems plausible that the account indeed received the migrated tokens.

Finally I can ask my node about the balance change of ak_kPmNNeggffuR9CVQBQ72KgrjJ3zd8SRPCyF6rStgWW4qbaFTy at height 265686:

(aeternity@localhost)33> BalanceDiff(265686, <<"ak_kPmNNeggffuR9CVQBQ72KgrjJ3zd8SRPCyF6rStgWW4qbaFTy">>).         

It received the correct amount at this height, so to me it seems that the migration was successful.


Hey guys, long term investor in the ICO here, I’ve just checked in to find I missed a migration and my coins are stuck in the ETH wallet, can anyone help me move them? I was a large ICO investor so it would be a real help to me.

Profile - nikitafuchs.chain - æforum can you help me with the query above?

I summon @nikitafuchs.chain

hey, what’s the issue ? if it’s difficult for you to describe things in technical terms, it could be helpful if you record a screencast video of what you are doing. Quicktime or camtasia studio are good solutions there.

Hey, thanks for the reply, I never migrated and the migration site seems to be down so I am stuck with my AE coins on the ethereum blockchain. Is there a way for me to migrate them now? I cant find one.

Hey there, did you get my previous reply? I need to migrate and the site is dead…can you please help by letting me know how to migrate from ETH chain to AE blockchain without the migration portal. Do you know why the site is down?

Hello,could you please help Donald and I to migrate or coins.
I’m big holder.
Please help us.
Migrate site is not working

Hey Guys,
@aelex @bruteforce.chain @hanssv.chain @emin.chain @martingrigorov.chain @nikitafuchs.chain

I really don’t want to post it again and again , I know you are busy with too many things like 51% attack.
I’m an investor in this project from day1, I didn’t want and don’t want to sell even one of my coins. I believe in you.
because of this I forgot to move my coins from my ETH address. now I’m concern about my investment. I can’t move my 12000AE (if you need to check I can give you my ETH address)

unfortunately my computer knowledge is little. please provide a simple way for people like me.

this video

is not working . site is down.

I’m not asking you to do it right now but please tell me when you will fix it approximately.
Thank you

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I don’t know who is in charge of maintaining I’ll check with the team and push for getting it back online.

This is not blocking you to migrate your tokens though. You can self-host the UI to migrate your tokens from this github repo: GitHub - aeternity/aepp-token-migration: Token Migration Aepp.

Nevertheless - self-hosting the UI is also not mandatory and also does not block you from migrating your tokens, but for this you will need more technical knowledge.

Pinging few people that might have more info on this.
cc @nikitafuchs.chain @martingrigorov.chain @dincho.chain


Hi !! we are on it so the website for migration is up and running again ASAP and you and @donald can perform your migration without having to locally install the UI what will work but requires some technical knowledge. I will ping you here when the site is up again. thænks!!