The migration site is back!

Hello. Please help me deal with the problem. I have a MEW wallet that stores AE tokens and I tried to transfer them, but I can’t. Writes AE Token Balance
The balance has already been migrated in th_azsNHA4ASwBZer8Bm9b1t7uJEQe5qHtNGbyGfpApQyeBVpUhk


Please follow the metamask steps on the migration website. It will not do anything to tokens on the ETH chain but mint the same to your account on the Aeternity chain.


I see it, You are putting aeternity address in metamsk which is totally unrelated, Just follow the steps on the website (Try with official migration website first, If it didn’t work then try to use and it will open metamask itself (With a signin transaction). NOTE: Do not engage in any transaction that has anything to do with money/token/eth transfer etc.

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I have a problem with the aeternity confirmation in ¿3 after days and only 23/1500 confirmation, it’s normal?

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check your confirmation on block explorer.

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This is a test with 4 ae, I think the transaction is okay, but in I have only 23/1500 confirmations @crypto_user


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It looks like the issue with metamask, Try to use chrome on the desktop environment with metamask and then try to perform those steps from

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Please check your confirmations on @Efg

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亲爱的Genievot先生,非常感谢您反复的回应和指导!我又开始尝试结合Google Chrome下载metamask网页版按astor.network步骤执行,但遗撼的是仍未成功。我想是否是metamask关联不到AE主网,所以现在,我打开网页版的metamask试着增加网络,如果这种方法正确,但表格的内容还需指导填写!另外,如果我要手动连接网站,那网站的正确地址应该是什么?|230x500

you need to reply in english so everyone could understand.

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Could I have an issue with the transaction?

I have 4785 blocks confirmed

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u good. livechat them and tell them to approve your deposit.


Exactly as @crypto_user said, you can either start a live chat or submit a ticket (usually works better) sending your transaction hash and the link to your transaction on , they should manually deposit within a day


i can’t access these…they show in my airgap wallet but i can’t send or do anything else…

the AE are still in my myetherwallet…0 help via email and still waiting…i am rly rly sad for spending 2.6eth and still waiting since 4 years…

Thank You!!!
I was able to migrate using metamask.
much appreciated!!!


Please try again using AirGap, there are some issues with the block explorer I think, but it should work after you try a few times.

Did you try following the steps on ?