Token Migration Phase 0 - Support and FAQ

Hi all, I need some support/confirmation.
I followed all the instructions for the ERC20 migration, installed and synced AirGap Vault & Wallet.

The transaction hash of the migration is visible here:

The webpage at the end said “You have completed your part of the migration”, so everything looked good. The only missing thing is that the wallet balance is 0. No AE tokens are shown.
The original amount of AE ERC20 tokens are still in my ETH wallet (which I believe is normal).

Should I worry about something, or take some additional steps?

Thank you for your attention and support.

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HI guys, trying to scan Airgap vault address QR code to migrate tokens and website is saying that it is not a valid AE address. I’ve quadrupel-checked the address and also tried entering it manually.Any update on this? I noticed @Jabzrodgers.chain was having the same problem. @albena.chain @aeternity-team

Hey @xiahui135,

We decided to split the migration into 4 phases in order to give a chance and a clear guidance to every token holder on how to migrate. If there was only one deadline for token migration, there would have been people left out and we wanted to avoid that.

To answer your previous question, indeed, exchanges decide for themselves whether to support a migration or not. We tried to offer migration options that are as secure as possible.


Hey @fabio2723,

I checked your payload through our verify tool (
and something is not right.
If you still have your AE tokens in your ETH wallet, that is great - you just need to do the transaction again - but this time, please follow our instructions and do not modify any data fields.

When you generate the payload, before selecting MetaMask or MEW, go through this tool again to check if everything is alright.

Keep us updated.

@Mike @Jabzrodgers.chain We are investigating the problem, but I just tried and the website read my QR code without problems.

I will keep you updated,

I had the same problem as well and i have 300 AE missing!!! I hope to get my AE back soon

Hey @albena.chain, I solved everything, thanks! I had done everything right except specifying the amount of token to transfer, so I had successfully migrated 0 tokens :sweat_smile: . I have followed the steps again including the tokens to migrate, and everything went ok. Thanks again for your time and attention.

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Oh, that is great news!
Happy I could help :wink:


I am having a trouble. When I enter here: æternity Token Migration then I click the Start Migration button which takes me to here:

The thing is on the top of the web it says: You’re connected to a Testnet, the tokens that you are about to migrate will NOT be available in the Mainnet

I would like to know if this is ok, if I can transfer my ERC20 tokens. The video explaining how to migrate does not have this note on his web page.

I’m showing a prnt scr:

Hey @reinaldo83,

It seems like you are connected to the ETH Testnet on MetaMask - please check that.
You shouldn’t see this message.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Indeed, that was the reason. I didn’t even have my MetaMask open as I were about to transfer my ERC20 tokens from my Ledger Nano using myetherwallet, so I don’t need to use MetaMask but the problem was indeed that. I had selected a Rinkeby network as I were coding some solidity smart contracts several weeks ago and I had to test them.

Actually, I even created my AE mainnet acc using the AirGap Vault app and I were about to scan my address from my PC to the phone. It was a thing of just a few minutes.

Maybe it’s a good thing to put on the migration alerts, although this is the last day for phase 0, maybe it’s too late to say this as more than 80M tokens already have been transferred.

Thanks one more time.


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You’re welcome :slight_smile: We are happy it worked!

@albena.chain @Markaeternity.chain @vlad.chain @aeternity-team

Please provide solutions to my lost 298AE by following the official instructions posted here on using AirGap and MEW.!!! :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:

I would really appreciate it and I would love to invest in more money as long as this issue is solved.

I can see you successfully migrated your balance now, good job!

P.S. you and I got the same mistake. Did you intentionally put 0 the first time? or did the data not populate correctly? where you using Ledger for mew ? :open_mouth:

If you had followed the official instructions that clearly state not to send tokens to the contract address this would not have happened.

And from what I am understanding in Ethereum contracts this is really complicated if not impossible.

Rest assure they will try their best to fix it, give them time, I would not expect them to fix it before mainnet release though. :cry:

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I have made 2 migrations so far for 2 different “vaults”, meaning two different addresses backed up by two different seeds generated in the same android phone. Everything ok. The check payload section worked well before actually making the ERC20 token transfer and the address verification is also working well, I can see the amount transferred associated with the mainnet AE addresses which I have previously saved the seed it belongs to.

Hope we can see that genesis block very soon and the token can be adopted by all different exchanges quickly.

Looking forward to seeing the price on the moon although that seems to be impossible at the moment according to actual market conditions.

Thank you.

I used MEW indeed. The first time I just didn’t change the value from 0, for some reason I didn’t understand it :sweat_smile:

First time I did change the value correctly, but the ledger “verify data payload” field by field failed. when i recreated the transaction it seems i skipped the AE part. So, your account and mine both have a 0ae transaction as the first transaction. haahah!

Hi @albena.chain, @Jabzrodgers.chain I figured out a solution to my problem and thought I’d post it in case anyone else was experiencing the same error.

During token migration you scan your QR code but the migration platform doesn’t allow you to press “Continue” and says “Not a valid AE Address” just under the address displayed on the screen.

You may have an outdated version of Airgap installed(I installed mine in August when æ first announced Airgap). Simply uninstall Airgap Wallet and vault and reinstall it. You will know you have a bad version from two identifiers:

  1. When choosing your token for the wallet it DOES NOT list the “Aeternity Token” just “Aeternity”(you only need the “Aeternity” one anyways, but I noticed that difference after reinstalling).

  2. Your address doesn’t start with an “ak_”

(For MEW and Ledger users)
As stated multiple times before by ALL of the æternity crew and EVERYWHERE in their instructions for mainnet migration, after you input the amount of tokens you would like to migrate, choose the platform your are migrating your tokens from(MEW or Metamask), and leave the Æ migration platform, DO NOT CHANGE ANY FIELDS IN YOUR WALLET. Just press “generate transaction” and put your hands in your pockets, lol. But seriously, don’t touch anything else.

Also, after reinstalling the “new version”, my wallet and vault were both taking longer than expected to open and would sometimes display an error regarding “connection with the server” and then shut down. This was fixed by restarting my phone again. All good now. Operating an S7 Edge with Android 8/Oreo. Hope this helps someone.

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I feel like a broken record but I kept getting misunderstood.

AGAIN, I DID NOT send the transaction directly to the contract address. I followed the official instructions EXACTLY and use the Generated Payload link to send my AE to the AirGap Wallet I had created.