I checked with Airgap. You need Android 6.x for Vault. They will sent me a test version for 5.x on Monday. But if that does not work, there is no option to be part of Phase 0 migration
I followed your instructions on https://aepp-migrate.aeternity.com/#/
But it was unclear to me I had to enter the amount into the tool (although it is clearly stated - maybe you should make this blinking red and the input field should not be dark-grey becuase it looks I am not the first one this happend)
So whart I did finally: I put the AE amount into MEW and did send my AE tokens directly.
Any chance to get tokens back?
Another option I found --> good for people to know. You can create a booteable USB with Vault and run it on a desktop PC. In this way you can move forward if you have no spare Smartphone with Android 6.x or higher. See the distro release of Vault on their Github Airgap directory. Big problem is now, you cannot move your desktop around to record video or speech …which is required for creating seed list…to be continued, I am trying to find a way
Hey, yes, this information was provided in the FAQ above.
Hey, you shouldn’t have sent the tokens directly to the contract. There are a number of uses who did this despite all the warnings. We will discuss internally if something can be done for them. Will let you know once we reach a conclusion.
Thank you - I am aware it is my fault. Sorry for unconvenience.
Hi, I am trying to migrate my AE tokens but I think I have sent them to the wrong address.
I have sent them from my Coinomi wallet to my AE Token Contract.
i am a newbie to the crypto world and would very much appreciate your help.
Can anyone help please.
Hi, I have already followed the instructions to the T but it still doesn’t show any balance in by AirGap Vault using the link you have provided to check the status but the balance is still zero.
Here’s the link to the transaction:
I don’t want to lose any of my AE.
How much time do you estimate we could be able to trade again after nov 25th? I mean, with the new AE token instead of ERC20 token?
Could it be a day or two or will it be weeks or months?
Thank you
I checked the link you posted, it says you transfered an amount of AE but I only see 2 input data, and as far as I know you need 7 fields in the input data, being the sixth the account you want to send it to. If those are not there i don’t think it is gonna show on the AE wallet
Am I correct in saying ae tokens should be sent to the aeternity AK_ address that’s in the AirGap Vault for the migration?
If I read the instructions correctly, the “input data” fields in the transation include your ak_ address encoded. you have to make sure this information is included, or the erc20 tokens may be lost.
Guys, look at this transaction, it includes 7 input data fields, that is the information you generate on the migration page.
Hey @cryptoninja,
AirGap Vault doesn’t display the correct balance, it always shows 0.
Use your aeternity account and go to the check tool here.
Let us know if everything is OK.
This is not true, AirGap Wallet shows the correct balance since 2 days ago at least.
The image has the total balance, total usd value and account removed. But it shows AE balance right now.
Hey, that is what I meant - AirGap Vault doesn’t, AirGap Wallet does
Hi @Kryztoval , I am pretty sure I followed the instructions very closely and did the transaction using the Payload Link that was provided. How am I supposed to control the fields in the input data in MEW when I was doing the transfer?
So, does this mean I lost all of my AE forever???
Can I do anything to get it back?
Hi @albena.chain ,
I have already checked using the same tool. It’s still showing ZERO Balance Migrated on the wallet. Here’s the link to it.
Hey, I am not sure what you did. When you enter the amount of AE on the migration web page, it is added to the payload, together with the aeternity address (associates them). Then, when you proceed to MEW, the payload is automatically added there and you don’t need to touch any of the fields.
Did you have some ETH on the ETH address where you stored your AE? If not, then maybe your transaction did not go through.
@vlad.chain Thank you for responding so quickly. I am really concerned.
I am pretty sure that the transaction went through. My MEW AE Balance is 0 now. I had plenty of ETH in there enough for the transaction to go through.
Here’s the link of the transaction information, which I posted in my first comment. It even had 4054 Block Confirmation so far. I did not touch anything in the field.
Here’s my link of the Migration Status:
What can I do to get my AE back?! 298AE may not be a lot of some of you but it’s a good chuck of my investment.
The fields are populated automatically by the tool. If you didn’t move anything it should have passed the right variables. What did you use? a hardware wallet? This is odd.