Hello everyone,
as introduced by @emin.chain two weeks ago in [Update] Week #14 - Hybrid Voting aepp we continued work on the hybrid voting aepp for aeternity mainnet and aeternity ERC20 and tokens in migration.
- combined the previously created ETH and AE prototypes in one aepp with functionality depending on the corresponding identity provide, either metamask or base-aepp to use with ledger or airgap
- started work on adjusting to designs that we received from our designer
- scripts to count votes on ETH and AE were created for everyone to verify the stakes being count correctly
- MultiSig contract development
All progress can be seen on branches in the hybrid-voting repository.
Using kovan testnet or aeternity uat it can be tried here https://aeternity.com/aepp-hybrid-voting/ using metamask or base-aepp on mobile.
If there are any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!