[Update] Week #34: Latest Dev-Suite Updates

Latest Dev-Suite Updates


What we have focused on and working on lately was gathering all of the developer tools into one to form one powerful bundle, called the Development Suite or just Dev-Suite. Dev-suite aims to bring the ultimate experience for developers(having all of the tools and services in one place).
We believe that:
It should not be difficult to build a blockchain application (aepps) on aeternity

The most important update from our team is that ForgAE is now renamed to AEprojet. You can find more information on this update in this forum post:
Forgae renamed to AEproject

Our focus last weeks was on the upcoming token migration. The solution is almost developed and will be stress-tested the following weeks. We also managed to make some improvements to the existing tools like AEproject and Playground.



Forgae is now renamed to AEproject. Same powerful framework with new name. We have provided new release 1.0.0 to npm. SDK, Node versions and some improvements added to the new release.


We have released a new version after quite some time. We have fixed issues with accounts and unsupported version of the node. Also, we managed to update the example contract syntax with the lastest. More improvements and fixes were also provided. Wrapping all of these you can still use the Playground as your online IDE!

Token Migration

Next weeks we will work on the token migration apps. Here is an overview of the solution that we will provide.

This solution will consist of several parts - migrator web-app, migration back-end app, and aeternity smart contracts.
The general idea is to allow the ethereum users to sign a message (their aeternity address and ethereum AE balance) with their private key and send it to an Aeternity smart contract. The Aeternity smart contract will recover the ethereum address of the signer and check whether this is a user that has a balance on the ethereum mainnet. If this is proven to be an ethereum AE holder, the smart contract will disburse the exact number of AE to the users AE address in the Aeternity network.

Obviously an aeternity smart contract cannot reach to the ethereum network. In order for the smart contract to check the balance, a list of all ethereum AE holder balances needs to be available. The sheer number of ethereum AE holders (20000+) makes the storing of such a list in the smart contract unfeasible.
To solve this problem we will introduce Merkle tree-based solution.

A backend app is going to create and maintain a Merkle tree of all ethereum AE holders and their balances. The merkle tree root hash will be stored in the Aeternity smart contract and through the use of hashing (and some additional data - index and intermediary hashes), the Aeternity smart contract will be able to check the validity of the migration claim by a given user. This back-end app will be open-source and can be run by everyone in multiple instances to ensure decentralization.

Change Log

  • Aeproject version 1.0.0 released
    • Angular shape provided
    • Support for docker-toolbox added
    • Gitignore file added to created projects
    • Node version updated to 4.1
    • JS-SDK version updated to 4.5.0
  • Playground new version released
    • Example contract syntax fixed
    • SDK version updated to lastest
    • Issues with unsupported node fixed
    • Issues with compiling fixed
    • Added estimation of the deploy transaction
    • Bytecode not showing fixed

References and Relevant Links

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1 Like

Thanks a lot for the upgrade!