[Update] Week #42: Latest Dev-Suite Updates

Latest Dev-Suite Updates


What we have focused on and working on lately was gathering all of the developer tools into one to form one powerful bundle, called the Development Suite or just Dev-Suite. Dev-suite aims to bring the ultimate experience for developers(having all of the tools and services in one place).
We believe that:
It should not be difficult to build a blockchain application (aepps) on aeternity

Our focus last weeks was on the upcoming token migration. The solution is developed and is currently tested on the testnet. No issues were found until now. We also managed to make some improvements to the existing tools like AEproject, Contracts AEpp, and Playground. New versions with Lima support are available for all tools.



AEproject version 1.0.3 is released. We have provided fixes to some community issues that were reported in the forum and in GitHub. Most important, we have provided support for the Lima hardfork.


New version provided with support for Lima hardfork

Contracts AEpp

New version provided with support for Lima hardfork

Token Migration

The token migration development is almost over. Currently, the system is extensively tested on the hardforked testnet.

Change Log

  • Aeproject version 1.0.3 released
    • Local node versiokn updated to 5.0.0-rc5
    • Local compiler version updated to 4.0.0
    • JsSDk version updated to 6.0.0
    • Documentation is updated.
    • .gitignore issues is fixed together with other issues
  • Playground new version released
    • Lima support added
    • SDK version updated
  • Contracts Aepp new version released

References and Relevant Links

Media Material

Thank you, your updates get better and better!! I would love to see more short video guides, tutorials and examples for beginners :slight_smile: