[Update] Week #44: Latest Dev-Suite Updates

Latest Dev-Suite Updates


What we have focused on and working on lately was gathering all of the developer tools into one to form one powerful bundle, called the Development Suite or just Dev-Suite. Dev-suite aims to bring the ultimate experience for developers(having all of the tools and services in one place).
We believe that:
It should not be difficult to build a blockchain application (aepps) on aeternity

Our focus last weeks was on the upcoming token migration. The solution is deployed on mainnet and can be accessed on this link. The migration is ongoing and the users can now migrate their ERC20 token on AEternity mainnet. We also managed to make some improvements to the existing tools like AEproject, Contracts AEpp, and Playground. We have improved the example smart contract in The Playground, Contracts AEpp and AEproject.



The smart contract example updated with a more detailed one. We have now added test script in the package.json of the newly created project with aeproject. This was a feature request described in this Github issue. We have also added the raw transaction information to the history table and to unsuccessful deployments. This is the first step to creating the transaction inspector into aeproject. Stay tuned for this new feature. We have added a feature to run the node and compiler separately.


We have updated the examples smart contract. The new example has more functions, events, etc, which we believe will be more helpful to the users. We are working on updating the monaco editor highlighting tools with the latest syntax.

Contracts AEpp

We have updated the examples smart contract. The new example has more functions, events, etc, which we believe will be more helpful to the users.

Token Migration

The migration is deployed and the users can now migrate their ERC20 tokens to the aeternity mainnet. Here is a guide where you can check which tokens exactly are included in this migration phase. Guide.

**Note **: We will add a link to a video on how you can migrate your token easily.

Change Log

  • Aeproject version
    • Example contract improved
    • NPM test script added to the package.json
    • RAW transaction info added to the history table
    • Node and compiler can be started separately
  • Playground new version released
    • Example contract improved
  • Contracts Aepp new version released
    • Example contract improved

References and Relevant Links

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