Dear æternity community,
Here is a summary of the contributions made by our æmbassadors since the inception of the new æmbassies program in July 2020:
● 31 new bounties have been opened (accessible only to æmbassadors on the forum, join to find out more)
● 21 active æmbassadors have contributed to bounties in the given period (based in Nigeria, Spain, Venezuela, Tanzania, China, Ireland, India, Colombia, Kenya, Turkey, Canada, Uganda)
Panel: Building Global Communities @ Æternity Universe - 20 September 2019 - Prague, Czech Republic - Image copyright Dan Taylor [email protected]
● 44 community bounty contributions have been made, including:
- 15 virtual meetups & 7 Regional SHL episodes with a total of 602 online participants and 528 Youtube views. Some of the highlights :
SuperheroLeague ækiti & numerous tutorial videos by the ækiti æmbassy
@aekiti @jesulonimi @emmanueljet @yinkaenoch @Norniola @Ayenitosin03 @moyinoluwafesobi7 @Amakarivas
SuperheroLeague Venezuela organized by the æmbassy in Caracas
@jcdelpino @adrian.sanchez @marcojgomezm.chain @bguevara
**Intro to Blockchain framework** by Bangalore æmbassador Gyan Lakshmi @gyan0890
æternity & Superhero intro in Dodoma, Tanzania @jeremiah99 @mghase
SuperheroLeague: Getting started in the emerging blockchain startup scene organized by @successoganiru.chain
Further community contributions by æmbassadors in the period include:
- 9 æcosystem researches (Turkey, India, Slovenia, Spain, Venezuela, France, and more)
- 6 Superhero website / æpp translations (Spanish, French, Chinese)
- Moderation of the Spanish Telegram group
● 20 developer bounties have been completed:
- Tutorials: Oracles tutorial, ToDo List tutorial, SmartShop Sophia example, Oracle Template æpp for Aeproject, Non-Fungible Token Template for AE Studio
Weather Oracle Template æpp by @VitalJeevanjot
- Documentation updates: Getting Started Documentation by @emmanueljet
- Intro articles: Introduction to Superhero by @marco.chain
- Dev tools: Signalling tool, Java SDK, ænalytics
Signalling Tool for SDK Updates by @jeremiah99 & @mghase
æ Dashboard for AENS by @marco.chain
- 14 node running contributions (mostly China, Colombia & USA)
● 7 Human DeFi Haeck finalist teams coming from the æmbassador program (Decentralized Insurance, Superchat, AeonNet, Superhero for Charitable Causes, Handshake, Decentralized Education, Cash-Flag)
æternity Time Locked Non Fungible Token Trade Network by @gokulalex
Finally the total amounts in CHF for æmbassador contributions by bounty category from July 2020 to March 2021:
Thanks to all @Ambassadors for their efforts and contributions to bring æternity to their local communities and to advance the cause for scalable open-source blockchain solutions for the masses!