Q2 report for the æmbassador program

Dear community,

I’m happy to share the highlights and key insights from Q2 2019 for the æmbassador program with you! :slightly_smiling_face:

First of all, in April we have seen some major changes to the æmbassador program by adding new bounty programs such as the travelling æmbassador, Lead æmbassadors, virtual meetups and decentralized hæckathons! :fire:

Travelling æmbassador highlights:


  • Spanish Lead æmbassador Manel Ruiz touring through developer hubs all over Spain including Madrid, Bilbao, Alicante and Zaragoza!


Hæckathon highlights:

  • Nigeria Lead æmbassador Stephen Sunday organized Jos Hackæternity with 94 participants over two days. Budgetchain won the prize and we will hopefully hear soon more from them again.


Virtual meetups:

  • It is now possible to deep dive with your fellow crypto-enthusiasts in online seminars and make things easier specifically for those who would have logistical problems otherwise. Remote participants can feel just as involved as those living in the big cities.

Lead œmbassadors:

  • If you are aready an æmbassador with at least 3 meetups and pass an exam to prove your knowledge about the æternity blockchain, you can start training new recruits to become æmbassadors in your region! Also, you can get a bonus for every meetup that your recruits have successfully organized.

Another important change in the æmbassador program in this time period was that new KPIs have been introduced. The performance of each æmbassador is now measured based on registrations and submissions on the P2P learning platform dacade.org :bulb:

There have been 64 meetups in total within the months of April, May and June. Most of them were in Nigeria, Spain and Venezuela! :nigeria: :es: :venezuela: :tada:

During this time period, there have been 163 registrations on dacade.org through æmbassador meetups since the introduction of tracking links (in June). 16 course submissions coming from these new users have been approved so far.

Over the whole time period since June 2018 there have been 167 meetups worldwide with at least 10 participants each. Here is an overview for the total number of æternity meetups by continent:

To round this up, here are some more meetup highlights & impressions from Q2 2019! :earth_africa::earth_americas::earth_asia:

@marco.chain Stuttgart, Germany

@cristian @pablocoirolo.chain & erik93 @espacioBitcoin in Buenos Aires, Argentina

@Barineka Port Hacourt, Nigeria

@justin Montreal, Canada

Manel Alicante, Spain

Aeshish Mumbai, India

@successoganiru.chain Google Developers Hangout in Edo, Nigeria

@Berg16 Yichun City, China


Great summary @erik.chain, thank you :blush:

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