Week #20 - Product Coordinators Weekly Development Update

Hello everyone, there are a lot of updates this week again. A successful governance vote and including implementation on protocol level, new AEX-proposals and many updates on from development tools to aepps.

Participants and topics of this call have been:

  • Andrea, SDK’s
  • John, Middleware
  • Andreas, AirGap Wallet
  • Emil, AEX Proposals
  • Pegah, Documentation Hub
  • Stoyan, Base Wallet
  • Milen, Browser Waellet
  • Filip, AmpNet
  • Martin, ForgAE
  • Piwo, aepps dev, voting and Elixir SDK
  • Sergei, core protocol

Here are some time tracking work insights of some of the project teams. Not all teams and people are represented, but many people participate in it:

I hope i didn’t forget no-one :slight_smile: here is the recording (a better recording with better video will follow shortly)

The better recording is uploading here.

Written updates will be posted during the next few days. Also as promised, a collection of interesting links


This should be a slightly better recording of the call

The update from AirGap/Papers for week #20.


Sorry for missing recent calls. Here is the SRE team update:

  • Fortuna first release candidate (3.0.0-rc.1) has been released.
  • Testnet has been updated to 3.0.0-rc.1
  • Mainnet API gateway has been updated to 2.5.0
  • Two of the terraform modules we use has been factored out in their own repos
  • Scheduled (daily) QuickCheck property tests has been integrated
  • CircleCI security contexts (new feature) has been integrated to harden the secrets access control in the CI environments
  • Dynamic secrets implementation has been greatly improved. This is the way how we handle and share secrets with CI, developers and SRE.

Final Update for BRI Voting Aepp

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Website Demo Prototype




Base aepp Update

This is the protocol update from @sergei.chain

Documentation Hub Update from @pegah.chain


SDK and Middleware Update

Website Demo

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Dev-Suite Update